People are convinced they’ve been using laundry detergent wrong

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People are getting confused as to what the right way of using laundry detergent is, as a viral video have people believe they been doing it ‘wrong’.

While most laundry machines come with a detergent drawer, some people are opting for different ways to wash their clothes – claiming it’s ‘the right’ way to use it – which has left people unsure about their own methods.

One of these people is Iluka, who took to TikTok to settle a debate she was having with her boyfriend about what the ‘right’ way of using laundry detergent was after she was shocked to learn about his method.

Iluka revealed that instead of pouring the detergent into the detergent drawer of the washing machine, her boyfriend poured it into the cap of the detergent bottle before putting the whole cap into the machine along with the clothes.

“Help?? I just asked my bf where the cap for the detergent is and he said, ‘Oh, I just fill it up and throw it in?’ With all the clothes??” She wrote on her TikTok video, which has gone viral with over 6.6 million views.

Her boyfriend was « so convinced » that his method was normal that he was seen reading through the detergent’s label for instructions saying so.

The video quickly started a heated discussion in the comment section, as people couldn’t seem to agree on which of the two methods was the right way to do it.

“I do this?? so the cap isn’t covered in gross smiley soap residue??” one person wrote, while a second person said: ““He’s 1,000 percent right on this one. It pains me to take a man’s side tho.”

« Tide says ‘to clean cap throw in with laundry’ so kinda right, » another person clarified.

However, some people were on Iluka’s side, with one person saying: « I’m so confused, why on earth would u put the PLASTIC CAP inside the washer! »

« So yall are leaving ur laundry detergent bottles open while you wash a load? I’d spill it, » a second person wrote, while a third added: « 

I feel like the comments don’t understand. He’s not just using the cup to measure, he’s throwing the whole cup into the washer. You all can’t be doing that?!?!

Another TikTok user took to the platform to share how the fineprint of certain detergents, such as Tide, actually tells you to put the filled cap into the washing machine.