Flight attendant from US shares staggering amount she earns each month

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While flight attendants are often envied for their travel perks, their salaries might not always seem as glamorous.

Indeed reports that the average UK flight attendant earns a modest £20,198 annually. However, it appears that their American counterparts may be faring better, at least according to one US-based air hostess who recently revealed her impressive monthly income online.

Josette, known on Instagram as @jo_settle_down, frequently shares snippets of her life as a flight attendant with Southwest Airlines to her 14,700 followers. Her recent revelation about her substantial earnings left her followers astounded.

The Albuquerque, New Mexico resident shared a video of herself in uniform aboard a plane, momentarily grimacing at the camera before returning to her duties with a smile. The overlay text read: « Me getting sick of my job. Then I remember my check last month was $9,980.66 (£8,047).

Captioning the post, she wrote: « For context I have been at Southwest for 14 years (first 4 were in reservations). This was my gross pay. I work about 150 trips (« hours ») a month. ».

She elaborated: « Pay does vary depending on how long you been at SW and how many ‘hours’ you work. Starting pay is $30.75 (£25) an ‘hour’ and top out pay after 13 years is $77.43 (£62).

« We are also paid a per diem of $2.90 (£2.30) every hour for the entire time you are away at work. We are also paid extra for flying lead, if we are over a certain amount of passengers on board, and for longer flights. I will say I am very good at my schedule and get a lot of premiums (time and a half). »

The revelation of her substantial earnings took social media by storm, with the post garnering upwards of 565,000 likes. One stunned user exclaimed: « Wait, they pay how much? » While another queried incredulously: « In one month? »

The lucrative salary also prompted others to inquire about job applications.

Curiosity continued as another user probed: « How often do you go home or do you choose to continually work? Met one person years ago who did their best to stay out. Had a relatively humble home that she basically used as storage. »

To which Josette responded that she « works about 16 days a month ».

Despite the wave of positive reactions, some skepticism surfaced, casting doubt on her claims. A skeptic remarked: « They don’t pay that much, » while another dismissed: « This is not accurate lol. She’s lying for Views she clicks. »

However, one fellow cabin crew member chimed in to ‘confirm’ the figures being discussed, while another stewardess contributed her own experience, saying: « This is amazing, I’m not even 2 years in and my gross for December was roughly $6100 (£4,918) and I worked 17 days. So its definitely possible to make this kinda $ y’all lol. »

Josette, the flight attendant at the centre of the debate, went on to provide tangible proof of her income by sharing an image of one of her pay slips in a subsequent reel.

Her caption shed light on the variability of earnings within the profession, as she said: « I am by no way saying every flight attendant makes this but some do and more. This is a job where you can work and much or as little as you want. Pay checks do vary depending on how much you work and how long you’ve been at the company. »