Dog trainer claims popular breed should be avoided in family homes

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An expert dog trainer, embraced by an army of almost a million followers on TikTok, has advised against choosing Spaniels for busy family homes due to their boundless energy.

Will Atherton, a highly regarded canine behaviourist with a substantial social media following, regularly imparts his knowledge about matching dog breeds to different lifestyles.

The trainer found himself defending his stance after facing a viewer’s critique asking: « Why do you hate Spaniels so much? »

In his response on the digital platform, Will asserted: « I promise you that isn’t the case whatsoever. »

Relaying his own experiences, he divulged: « One of the things I enjoy more in the dog world more than nearly anything else is when I take uncle Sully [his dog] and we’re working out in the field, doing some gun dog stuff, and you see a spaniel beating up game, flushing through thick heather and thick hedgerows. »

Atherton celebrated the activity of spaniels hunting, describing it as « beautiful » highlighting: « There are not many things in the dog world that are more awesome to see than that, » reports the Mirror.

Despite his admiration, he contended that this spirited dedication can render spaniels unsuitable for busy family life.

He elucidated: « The problem is, when you bring that kind of energy into a busy family home, it rarely meshes very well.

« It wouldn’t mesh well at my home with my family and my lifestyle, that’s way too much energy. »

His candid views have sparked a lively online discussion, with one follower commenting: « I have two Spaniels and I completely agree with you to be honest. »

Another person shared their experience, saying: « 100% agree!

« Our Springer is coming up to two years, and needs super engagement and enrichment, thankfully she runs with me and that burns off a lot of that energy! »

Meanwhile, someone else admitted: « We got a cocker without much research and he hums with enthusiasm and energy, but we mesh somehow – he’s crazy though. »