Make ‘perfect’ poached eggs by adding Gordon Ramsay’s extra ingredient
Lots of people love eggs, but cooking them can be tricky.When it comes to poaching them it can be tough to get the whites firm while ensuring the yellow yolk is super oozy. It's a trick that many of us hope to master.Thanks to TV chef Gordon Ramsay, we could now be a step closer to perfection. According to the cook, it's all about adding a simple ingredient to the water when you're poaching.He revealed how to make the eggs on TikTok, and budding chefs are thrilled he's finally shared his secret. To start, he said you need to begin by gently boiling the water.Lightly season the water, and then add in a little vinegar. He said this will help to "strengthen" the egg white, and will also enrobe the white around the yolk. Gently stir the water before you think of adding anything to the pan.I...