dimanche, septembre 22FRANCE

Astrologer says 4 zodiac signs have the best personalities for leadership

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Teaming up with employability testing specialists Practice Aptitude Tests, psychic astrologer Inbaal Honigman revealed the four zodiac signs most suited for leading a team.

While Earth signs are « dependable », water signs can be the « most attentive bosses » to their team.

Fire signs are « motivated » to get the job done well and Air signs are « smart », so which zodiac signs are the best aligned to steer the ship?

« There’s no one sign that comes close to being a better boss than Leo, » claimed Inbaal Honigman.

« Ruled by the Sun, the zodiac sign of Leo is born to lead. This passionate fire sign loves to stand in front of people and take charge – leadership is in their blood. »

Inbaal added: « They lead by example, as they themselves always strive for excellence.

« If you’re not as committed as they are, they’ll do their best to motivate you, but they will not tolerate a negative attitude. »

Another boss who naturally possess great strengths is Virgos, who are ruled by Mercury, the plant of communication.

« Virgo is fantastic at managing people, » said Inbaal. « Empathetic and good at listening, they’re great at communicating to you the exact requirements of the job. »

Inbaal stated: « Your role will be clearly defined under a Virgo boss, and you won’t be expected to do anything that’s not in the brief.

« Virgo bosses are also very neat and tidy, and they’re specific with their instructions, so you can’t cut corners or be slap-dash around them. »

One more sign considered to be the best of the bunch is Libra, which is ruled by Venus, the planet of Love.

Inbaal explained: « Libra makes a balanced and attentive boss. These graceful air signs are good listeners, and good peacemakers.

« Those petty arguments that plague all offices – Libra won’t have them! They will ensure that you clear the air and have a positive, empowering working environment. »

With only four zodiac signs considered to be best suited for leadership and management, the final star sign to make the cut is Gemini.

« Ruled by Mercury, planet of communication, Gemini makes for a very fun leader, » said Inbaal.

« Everyone will love them when they turn up with a box of muffins for everyone, because for Gemini, the party never stops. »