Andrea Bocelli and daughter Virginia Bocelli, 12, sing Hallelujah in live duet | Music | Entertainment

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Following his iconic Easter lockdown performance from Milan, Andrea Bocelli celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ this year with a music special from Lakewood Church in Texas.

The 65-year-old sang the likes of You’ll Never Walk Alone, Pianissimo, The Prayer, I Believe and concluded with John Newton’s Amazing Grace.

He also invited his 12-year-old daughter Virginia Bocelli, fresh from her movie debut in Cabrini, on stage to sing with him.

The family members, who collaborated with son and brother Matteo Bocelli on a Christmas album a couple of years ago, performed Leonardo Cohen’s Hallelujah together.

This is the track that was Virginia’s professional debut with her father on guitar when she was just 8-years-old.