People are only just realising what coloured circles on food packaging actually mean | UK | News

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Ever glanced at a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar and spotted a row of colourful circles or squares, leaving you puzzled about their purpose?

TikTok’s Sonya Gonzalez Mier has finally shed light on the mystery. Sonya, who alleges to be a food marketing professional, took to the popular social media platform to demystify the curious markings after seeing a video where someone questioned the significance of the colours on their Takis crisps packet.

In her viral video, she revealed that these are known as ‘colour control patches’ and play a crucial role during the packaging printing process.

« I work in food marketing and we have these colour patches on all our packaging, » she said.

Dismissing any notions of them being barcodes or cryptic symbols, she explained: « They are colour control patches, we need them because the colours that you see on the packaging are not actually the colours that we’re printing. Let me explain. »

Sonya goes on to describe how the visible packaging colours are achieved by layering different hues, with the patches representing the individual layers, reports the Mirror.

To ensure accuracy, the patches are checked: « To make sure the colours are correct, we look at the colour control patches and if they’re slightly off, we know that the whole packaging will be off. »

Concluding her informative clip, she said: « Another day, another marketing mystery solved. »

The enlightening video has since captivated over 23,000 viewers and earned thousands of likes, with numerous TikTok users expressing gratitude in the comments for the intriguing insight.

One person responded: « That’s a great factoid. » Another commented: « Thanks for the information. »

A third individual remarked: « How interesting! »

Another user exclaimed: « Fun fact of the day! Loved it. » Meanwhile, a fifth TikTok user expressed: « Oohh this is interesting! ! « .